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Magnolia and its pests

In the previous sections, the symptoms and course of the disease that can occur with Magnolia have been described. These were anthracnose, chlorosis, powdery mildew, verticillium wilt and green leaf spot. We explained what is the cause of these diseases, how to properly diagnose and treat them. We also described how to prevent these diseases.

However, there may be a situation where Magnolia withers, withers. The development of branches, leaves, buds and flowers stops. The leaves twist and change color, they dry. Stains of different colors appear on the leaves. Coatings and cobwebs appear. However, these changes are not caused by diseases, but by various types of pests. In particular, less experienced Magnolia growers may have difficulty determining the cause of these changes. For easier orientation in the issue, we present individual types of pests in these articles on Magnolia diseases.


Ornamental plants, including Magnolias, are attacked by common pests. Different species of insects or other animals parasitize on them, causing them various damage. However, they do not essentially endanger the overall condition of Magnolia. We will discuss how it affects the plant if it is attacked by mites, tassels and aphids . Of course, we will explain what help is in the fight against these parasites.


This species of insect is one of the most common and well-known pests of Magnolias. It is a small mammalian insect, whose body is typically bulky. The aphids are mostly green, but can also be gray, black or orange. They multiply very quickly. They attack the soft tissues of plants and buds. Aphid infestation of the plant affects its overall appearance. The plant weakens, withers, its leaves turn yellow. Due to the fact that the aphids suck more juices than they consume, a sticky liquid - honeydew - appears on the leaves. In these sweet secretions, fungi can gradually occur, which cause black mold . Aphids can also transmit viral diseases.

To save and cure Magnolia, we spray with aphid solution - suitable insecticides. We can choose insecticides on a chemical or natural basis. The spray can be repeated if necessary.


If mites have become domesticated on your Magnolias , you can detect their presence by these signs:

Suitable conditions for mites are in a warm dry environment.

The mites are so tiny that you can only observe them with a magnifying glass. However, they multiply very quickly. They do not belong to insects - they are spiders. They feed on plant juice. They do not cause direct death of plants, but by damaging the leaves they cause a reduction in their overall vitality. Treatment of infested plants is not easy. Mites quickly become resistant to the pesticides used. By applying chemical pesticides, we also destroy predators that feed on mites , namely:

It is better to use natural-based pesticides and also to use predatory mites. Infected parts of the Magnolia must be removed and destroyed immediately. Under no circumstances may they be used in compost.


This mammal insect has a small slender body long max. 3 mm. It is characterized by two pairs of narrow, colorless wings, the edges of which look frayed - hence the name. Depending on the species, the adult tassels are yellow-brown or black in color. However, they may also have white, red, or black markings on the body. The larvae resemble adults but do not have wings. Tassels damage plants by sucking plant juices. Small spots and pits appear on the infested parts of the plants. These insects can cause viral diseases in plants by transmitting viruses. Plant treatment should be started immediately upon detection of the pest. Preparations based on paraffin oils are suitable for use. For chemical protection, insecticides are used, which must be applied 3-4 times at intervals of 5-6 days. It is advisable to use sprays with different active ingredients, since this type of pest acquires resistance to insecticides relatively quickly.

Professional imitations of magnolias

A clear advantage of imitation products is that they can be placed anywhere outdoors. It is not necessary to take into account whether the selected habitat is suitable conditions for growing any plant. It is possible to opt for an imitation of a plant that cannot be grown in our country, or its cultivation is very demanding. Imitations are at a high level in terms of aesthetics. When buying, you can immediately choose the right shape and size of the plant. Due to the material used for their production, they are easy to maintain and will last for a really long time without any visual change.