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Cyprus and its diseases

Cyprus (lat. Cupressus ) is an elegant evergreen tree. Trees and shrubs of the Cypriot family grew on Earth in ancient times. They were here before the first deciduous trees appeared. The genus Cyprusy belongs to the family Cypressaceae (lat. Cupressaceae ), which also includes the genera Cypruštekov, Tují, Borievok, but also the famous Sequoias. Due to the fact that Cyprus comes from the Mediterranean, their growth may be adversely affected by our weather conditions. Nevertheless, Cyprus is quite widely grown in our country, planted outdoors, but also in pots as a suitable aesthetic complement to terraces and balconies. The mistakes made in the cultivation of Cyprus may be due to diseases of these trees or may be infested by pests. We register the first symptoms on the scales - needles.


Root rot

If we have planted Cyprus in places with too much soil moisture , it is very likely that they will show root rot over time. This disease is caused by fungi for which the conditions in life in moist soil are suitable for life and reproduction. To prevent this disease, care must be taken when planting Cyprus. When planting, use healthy, chemically treated seedlings and select a habitat that is not too moist, or adjust the soil with suitable drainage measures. When watering, we make sure that we do not overfill Cyprus.

The symptoms of this disease are reflected in the overall condition of the plant. The growth weakens, the scales gradually turn yellow to brown. Shoots and whole branches dry. The root neck, turns rusty to dark brown. Cyprus will crumble and sooner or later die.

In the treatment of this disease- affected Cyprus, we must treat the root system. Diseased roots are brown to black in color. If we find that most of the roots are diseased - they are muddy, Cyprus cannot be saved. The tree needs to be burned. If most of the roots are healthy, we remove the diseased parts up to the healthy - solid parts. We sufficiently treat the healthy parts of the roots with a fungicidal solution, and if the size of the tree allows it, we transfer it to another, more suitable place. We will also remove all disease-marked parts from the above-ground part of Cyprus. We will also remove part of the healthy branches in order to maintain an equilibrium between the weakened root system and the aboveground part.

Browning and drying of scales

This disease occurs relatively often in younger individuals. The first symptoms appear in young Cyprus in the middle of summer. On the lower branches, yellow spots appear on the upper side of the scales, which gradually turn brown. The scales look like they burned. Preventive protection is to adhere to the right cultivation regime - especially with regard to water. As a prevention, but also for the treatment of already infected Cyprus, we apply a suitable fungicide. We will remove the affected parts.

Another cause of the disease, in which the needles are dried brown and die in Cyprus, is infection with the fungus Kabatina thujae. The fruiting bodies of these fungi are black, but so small that their presence can only be detected by thorough inspection. Mostly, only small parts of the plant are affected by the disease, but if the infection is severe, the whole plant can die. During treatment, it is necessary to remove and destroy diseased parts. We treat the affected areas with a fungicidal solution.

If Cyprus is infested with the fungus Pestalotia funerea, this is manifested by yellowing and browning of the scales and their gradual decline. This disease is more likely to occur in individuals who are weakened by improper cultivation. The affected parts must be removed and sprayed with a fungicide. It is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings in cultivation, which led to the weakening of the tree.

However, the described symptoms can also occur on plants for other reasons. This may be due to different types of animal pests or the incorrect cultivation of Cyprus. However, about this in the following sections.

Professional imitations of cypresses

As we have found, the diseases are not avoided even by Cyprus and other plants of the Cypriot family. Many factors need to be taken into account when growing them, which must be taken into account when choosing a suitable habitat. We can't have a plant placed wherever we think it would fit. When planting freely, but also when growing smaller individuals in pots, care must also be taken to ensure that any infection does not endanger other ornamental or useful plants. By using imitations of Cyprus, Tuja, Cypriot and Borievok, we do not have many problems . Dimensionally (up to 210 cm) they are also suitable for imitating free planting, and as smaller individuals in pots of various types and colors, they are increasingly used to beautify interiors. In combination with essential oils, the illusion of reality is perfect. During maintenance, it is only necessary to wipe dust from artificial Cyprus and rinse it occasionally. PE and PVC -based materials guarantee long-term outdoor NONSTOP use, regardless of the season and weather conditions.